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Quality service

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Experienced and knowledgeable staff

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Internet beating prices

Hardwood Floors Scotland Company Logo
07968 287 644

Laminate Flooring

Quality service

Experienced and knowledgeable staff

Competitive prices

Laminate flooring for properties across Glasgow and Scotland

Do you want the look of beautiful hardwood flooring, but without the cost? Then laminate flooring is the way forward. It looks just as good as hardwood flooring but it will cost you less.

Can't decide between hardwood and laminate flooring?

At The Click Flooring Centre, our experts are here to help you make these difficult decisions. We can supply and fit a wide range of laminate flooring, so there will always be something that will suit your budget and taste. We will help you find the right style, size and brand of flooring for your requirements.
laminate flooring

Laminate manufacturers

The only laminate manufacturer we would ever wish to deal with is QUICKSTEP of Belgium. The vast majority of European manufacturer’s products we sell are at least internet price matched and generally direct from factory or wood mill to us, and to our client.
The Click Flooring Centre fits laminate flooring for properties in East Kilbride and across Glasgow. Call us on
01355 266 488
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